2 minute read

We have Red Hat Identity Management (IdM) setup in the lab to provide Kerberos authentication. This how-to will demonstrate setting up AAP to connect to its database using a Kerberos user without storing the password in clear text. node74.lab.automate.nyc is the PostgreSQL database server and node71.lab.automate.nyc is the AAP Controller. All nodes are member of the LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC realm.

Create an IdM user

ipa user-add --first awx --last postgres --cn "AWX Postgres Service Account" --password --password-expiration="2024-01-01 00:00Z" awx_postgres

Add Service Principal to database server

In IdM, add service principal postgres/node74.lab.automate.nyc@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC to our database host node74.lab.automate.nyc IdM add service principal

ipa host-add-principal node74.lab.automate.nyc postgres/node74.lab.automate.nyc

Retrieve Keytab file from IdM

Create a keytab file with both user and postgres principals.

[root@node74 ~]# ipa-getkeytab --keytab=/root/node74.keytab --principal=postgres/node74.lab.automate.nyc@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC
Keytab successfully retrieved and stored in: /root/node74.keytab
[root@node74 ~]# ipa-getkeytab --keytab=/root/node74.keytab --principal=awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC
Keytab successfully retrieved and stored in: /root/node74.keytab
[root@node74 ~]# klist -k node74.keytab 
Keytab name: FILE:node74.keytab
KVNO Principal
---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   9 postgres/node74.lab.automate.nyc@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC
   9 postgres/node74.lab.automate.nyc@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC
   9 postgres/node74.lab.automate.nyc@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC
   9 postgres/node74.lab.automate.nyc@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC
   2 awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC
   2 awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC
   2 awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC
   2 awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC

Update PostgreSQL config files

Add following line to /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgres.conf

krb_server_keyfile = '/var/lib/pgsql/node74.keytab'

Copy the keytab file to /var/lib/pgsql/node74.keytab and change file ownership to postgres:postgres.

Add following line to /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf to allow user awx_postgres to connect with Kerberos authentication

host    awx         awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC      gss include_realm=1 krb_realm=LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC

Restart PostgreSQL service to enable the changes.

Add role in PostgreSQL database to match the user

postgres=# \c awx
You are now connected to database "awx" as user "postgres".
awx=# create user "awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC";
awx=# grant all on all tables in schema public to "awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC";
awx=# grant all on all sequences in schema public to "awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC";

Create Credential Cache file

On the Controller node, generate a Kerberos credential cache file with user awx_postgres credential.

[root@node71 ~]# KRB5CCNAME=/var/lib/awx/awx_postgres.cache kinit awx_postgres
Password for awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC: 
[root@node71 ~]# chown awx:awx /var/lib/awx/awx_postgres.cache

Notice the expiration date of the credential cache.

[root@node71 ~]# KRB5CCNAME=/var/lib/awx/awx_postgres.cache klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/var/lib/awx/awx_postgres.cache
Default principal: awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
08/10/2023 12:11:38  08/11/2023 11:52:07  krbtgt/LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC

Test PostgreSQL connection to awx database using the Kerberos credential cache.

[root@node71 ~]# KRB5CCNAME=/var/lib/awx/awx_postgres.cache psql -h node74.lab.automate.nyc -U awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC awx
psql (13.10)
GSSAPI-encrypted connection
Type "help" for help.


Update AAP config files

Update /etc/tower/conf.d/postgres.py with the Kerberos user and remove ‘PASSWORD’.

   'default': {
       'ATOMIC_REQUESTS': True,
       'ENGINE': 'awx.main.db.profiled_pg',
       'NAME': 'awx',
#       'PASSWORD': """old_password""",
       'USER': 'awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC',
       'HOST': 'node74.lab.automate.nyc',
       'PORT': '5432',
       'OPTIONS': { 'sslmode': 'prefer',
                    'sslrootcert': '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt',

Add following line to /etc/supervisord.conf


Restart AAP and confirm all services are started correctly.

Extend the expiration of the Kerberos ticket

Default IdM Kerberos ticket policy only allow 7 days of renew. For demo purpose, we are going to extend the default policy and generate another ticket with longer renewal time.

[root@node71 ~]# ipa krbtpolicy-mod --maxrenew=2592000 --maxlife=604800
  Max life: 604800
  Max renew: 2592000

[root@node71 ~]# KRB5CCNAME=/var/lib/awx/awx_postgres.cache kinit awx_postgres -r 2592000 -l 604800
Password for awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC:

[root@node71 ~]# KRB5CCNAME=/var/lib/awx/awx_postgres.cache klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/var/lib/awx/awx_postgres.cache
Default principal: awx_postgres@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
08/11/2023 16:02:24  08/12/2023 15:33:44  krbtgt/LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC@LAB.AUTOMATE.NYC
	renew until 08/25/2023 16:02:24

We can renew the ticket before it expires by running

KRB5CCNAME=/var/lib/awx/awx_postgres.cache kinit -R

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