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We want to parse YAML file with jq command like JSON file. Following snippet will use Python to convert YAML file to JSON format and pass to jq command.

Input file my_list.yml:

- name: apple
  color: red
- name: orange
  color: orange
- name: banana
  color: yellow
- name: broccoli
  color: green
- name: avocado
  color: green
$ python3 -c 'import sys, yaml, json; y=yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin.read()); print(json.dumps(y))' < my_list.yml  | jq .fruit
    "name": "apple",
    "color": "red"
    "name": "orange",
    "color": "orange"
    "name": "banana",
    "color": "yellow"

$ python3 -c 'import sys, yaml, json; y=yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin.read()); print(json.dumps(y))' < my_list.yml  | jq '.fruit[].name'

Note: Also take a look the “yq” utility

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