2 minute read

How to expand a variables using Jinja2 template

Problem: We want to generate a list of VMs and past it to our VM creation role that will take a list as input. Each VM in the list could be a little different, for example, different disk size or definitely different IP address. A loop or with_item won’t be able to do that. Jinja2 template can do that, but we don’t want to generate a vars file before executing the VM creation role.

We will use lookup template plugin to generate a var from our Jinja2 template during runtime.

    - common_vars_for_all_vms.yml

    run_vars: "{{ lookup('template','custom_vms.j2') | from_yaml }}"
  • Store all variables that are common in a separated vars file and import it before Jinja2 file is parsed.
  • Lookup returns a string and need to specfied as a yaml format. Also need to verify the template is generating valid yaml format
  • Assign it to a variable and now it becomes a dict that we can use
  - name: Create all availability sets
      name: av_set
      av_set: "{{ run_vars.av_set }}"

  - name: Create all VMs
      name: vm
      vm: "{{ run_vars.vm }}"

This is what in the custom_vms.j2

{% for func in func_list %}
{% if func.use_av %}
- name: "{{ prefix }}{{ env }}-{{ func.name }}"
  resource_group: "{{ prefix }}{{ env }}-{{ func.name }}"
  location: "{{ location }}"
  fault_domain_count: 3
  update_domain_count: 2
  tags: "{{ tags }}"
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% set x = [] %}
{% for func in func_list %}
{% for i in range(func.count) %}
- name: "{{ prefix }}{{ env }}{{ func.name }}{{ i+1 }}"
  resource_group: "{{ prefix }}{{ env }}-{{ func.name }}"
{% if func.use_av %}
  av_set: "{{ prefix }}{{ env }}-{{ func.name }}"
{% endif %}
  size: "{{ size }}"
  location: "{{ location }}"
  admin_username: "{{ admin_username }}"
  admin_password: "{{ admin_password }}"
  ip_address: {{ starting_ip | ipmath( x | length - 1 ) }}
{% if x.append('1') %}{% endif %}
  managed_disk_type: "{{ managed_disk_type }}"
  os_style: Windows
  image: "{{ windows_image }}"
  tags: "{{ tags }}"
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

This is what in the common_vars_for_all_vms.yml

subscription_id: put_you_own_here
prefix: dev
env: et

size: Standard_DS2v3
location: eastus2
admin_username: administrator
admin_password: some_vaulted_secret
  offer: WindowsServer
  publisher: MicrosoftWindowsServer
  version: latest
  sku: '2012-R2-Datacenter'
  project: "development"
managed_disk_type: Standard_LRS
  resourcegroup: "{{ prefix }}{{ env }}-gateway"
  name: "{{ prefix }}{{ env }}-vnet"
  prefix: ""
    name: "{{ prefix }}{{ env }}-subnet"
    prefix: ""
- name: db
  count: 2
  use_av: true
- name: ap
  count: 2
  use_av: true
- name: fs
  count: 1
  use_av: false

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