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How to launch a job or workflow via REST API call

  - name: Launch Tower Job
      url: '{{ tower_url }}/job_templates/{{ template_id }}/launch/'
      return_cotent: yes
      method: POST
      user: admin
      password: password
        Content-Type: 'application/json'
      body: "{\"extra_vars\":{\"sleep_time\":\"5\"}}"
      status_code: 201
    register: output

  - name: Get job status
      url: '{{ tower_url }}/jobs/{{ output.json.id }}/'
      return_cotent: yes
      method: GET
      user: admin
      password: password
        Content-Type: 'application/json'
      status_code: 200
    register: job_status
    until: job_status.status == 'successful'
    retries: 2
    delay: 120

Noted that extra_vars need to be set to prompt on launch in order to allow passing extra variables thru the REST API call. Current version of Tower (3.4) does not allow prompt on launch for workflow template. So we need to create a survey form with the intended extra variables name.

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