How to use Jinja2 inside a playbook
- To create variables
- set_fact:
foo: |
{% set aks_modified = dict() %}
{% for ak in activation_keys %}
{{ aks_modified.update({ak:[]}) }}
{% endfor %}
{{ aks_modified | to_json }}
- To loop in range
- debug:
msg: |
{%- for i in range(0,10) -%}
{{ i }}
{%- endfor -%}
- To dynamically assign variables
foo: 'hello'
bar: 'byebye'
x: "{{ 'foo' if ansible_distribution_major_version == '7' else 'bar' }}"
- If-then-else
test: this is a test environment
uat: this is a uat environment
prod: this isa prod environment
- set_facts:
env_vars: "{{ test if ( env == 'test' ) else uat if ( env == 'uat' ) else prod if ( env == 'prod' ) }}"
- Create a list from another list with additional info
- name: Generate routes for DC1 PER01
new_routes: |
{% set routes = [] %}
{% for i in routes_to_add %}
{% set _ = routes.append("router static vrf " + vrf|string + " address-family ipv4 unicast " + i + " " + bundle + "." + vlan|string + " " + firewall) %}
{% endfor %}
{{ routes }}
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