1 minute read

In this case I want to understand how the awx.awx.credential works.

Step 1) Check out a local copy of the awx.awx collection, so we can modify the Python code without breaking anything.

$ ansible-galaxy collection install awx.awx -p collections

Step 2) Create a simple playbook using the collection

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no

  - awx.awx

  - name: Add machine credential
      name: ECHONG DEBUG
      description: DEBUG
      organization: Default
      credential_type: Machine
      state: present
      update_secrets: false
        username: root
        password: CHANGE_ME
        become_username: ""
        become_method: ""
      controller_host: aap-controller1.lab.automate.nyc
      controller_password: my_password
      controller_username: admin_user

Don’t forget to setup an ansible.cfg to use the local collection folder.


Step 3) Run the playbook but keeping the temporary file

$ ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES=1  ansible-playbook test-credential.yml -vvv

Step 4) Copy the AnsiballZ to the local working directory

$ cp /Users/echong/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1665614966.4173708-72691-151852632021355/AnsiballZ_credential.py .

Step 5) Explode the AnsiballZ file

$ python3 AnsiballZ_credential.py explode

It will expand to files into debug_dir directory will all necessary files.

$ tree -L 4
├── AnsiballZ_credential.py
└── debug_dir
    ├── ansible
    │   ├── __init__.py
    │   └── module_utils
    │       ├── __init__.py
    │       ├── _text.py
    │       ├── basic.py
    │       ├── common
    │       ├── compat
    │       ├── distro
    │       ├── errors.py
    │       ├── parsing
    │       ├── pycompat24.py
    │       ├── six
    │       └── urls.py
    ├── ansible_collections
    │   ├── __init__.py
    │   └── awx
    │       ├── __init__.py
    │       └── awx
    └── args

Step 6) Insert the debugpy codes into the module file

$ vi debug_dir/ansible_collections/awx/awx/plugins/modules/credential.py

Depending on where you want to start the debugging, insert the following block:

from ..module_utils.controller_api import ControllerAPIModule

def main():
    # Add this block for debugging
    import debugpy
    # End 

    # Any additional arguments that are not fields of the item can be added here
    argument_spec = dict(

Step 7) Open VSCode at the local working directory. We will also need to define a launch.json file to tell it to attach to the debugger port

      "name": "Python: Attach",
      "type": "python",
      "request": "attach",
      "connect": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 5678

Step 8) Now run the Python script again and launch the VSCode debugger using Python: Attach.

$ python3 AnsiballZ_credential.py execute

The Python script will wait for VSCode to attach to port 5678. Once attached, VSCode will stop at the debugpy.breakpoint() line.

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