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Automation Hub, LDAP and SSO

Latest version of Automation Hub does not has built-in LDAP support. Instead it relies on Red Hat SSO to provide integration with the LDAP authentication. Fortunately the AAP installation playbooks will assist setting up the SSO application on a separate VM with Automation Hub.


First we will need a simple LDAP server. We will be using Osixia OpenLDAP container image.

Create a Containerfile:

FROM docker.io/osixia/openldap:latest

LABEL maintainer="echong@redhat.com"


COPY bootstrap.ldif /container/service/slapd/assets/config/bootstrap/ldif/50-bootstrap.ldif

Create the bootstrap.ldif to preload the image with OUs, users and groups:

dn: ou=people,dc=automate,dc=nyc
changetype: add
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: people

dn: ou=groups,dc=automate,dc=nyc
changetype: add
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: groups

dn: uid=bbanner,ou=people,dc=automate,dc=nyc
changetype: add
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
description: The Hulk
givenName: Bruce
sn: Banner
cn: Bruce Banner
uid: bbanner
mail: bbanner@automate.nyc
userpassword: secret_password

dn: uid=cbarton,ou=people,dc=automate,dc=nyc
changetype: add
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
description: Hawkeye
givenName: Clint
sn: barton
cn: Clint Barton
uid: cbarton
mail: cbarton@automate.nyc
userpassword: secret_password

... <-- skipping the rest of the super heroes here
dn: cn=admins,ou=groups,dc=automate,dc=nyc
changetype: add
objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectClass: top
cn: admins
uniqueMember: uid=bbanner,ou=people,dc=automate,dc=nyc
uniqueMember: uid=echong,ou=people,dc=automate,dc=nyc

dn: cn=operators,ou=groups,dc=automate,dc=nyc
changetype: add
objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectClass: top
cn: operators
uniqueMember: uid=cbarton,ou=people,dc=automate,dc=nyc
uniqueMember: uid=tstark,ou=people,dc=automate,dc=nyc
uniqueMember: uid=cdanvers,ou=people,dc=automate,dc=nyc
uniqueMember: uid=slang,ou=people,dc=automate,dc=nyc

Build the image with the LDAP data:

podman build --tag localhost/openldap:withdata .

Start the container as root, since we are using privilege port 389:

podman run \
   --name openldap \
   --env LDAP_ORGANISATION="Lab" \
   --env LDAP_DOMAIN="automate.nyc" \
   --env LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD="test1234" \
   -p 389:389 \
   --detach localhost/openldap:withdata

Bonus. We can also start the phpldapadmin GUI in a second container:

podman run -p 8090:80 \
   --name phpldapadmin \
   --env PHPLDAPADMIN_HTTPS='false' \
   --detach docker.io/osixia/phpldapadmin:0.9.0

Test the connection from AAP servers using ldapsearch command:

ldapsearch -x -v -b 'dc=automate,dc=nyc' -H ldap:// \
-D 'cn=admin,dc=automate,dc=nyc' -w test1234 -LLL

Automation Hub and SSO servers

Update the inventory file with additional information for setting SSO server.


sso_keystore_password: secret_password
sso_console_admin_password: secret_password

Now run AAP installation script setup.sh to install SSO on the assigned server and setup the Automation Hub to use the SSO server for authentication.

See Installing and Configuring Central Authentication for the Ansible Automation Platform

My final SSO setting: SSO Setting

My user role mapping setting: User Role Mapping

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