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Setup AAP Controller to trust a CA cert

less than 1 minute read

AAP Controller does not read system PKI directory. So adding CA cert to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors directory and run update-ca-trust is not enough. I...

Use signed certificate for WinRM

1 minute read

WinRM setup default create a self-signed certificate for the HTTPS transport. We have to set ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation: ignore to avoid getting S...

Ansible Foreman Inventory Plugin Filters

less than 1 minute read

The Ansible Foreman inventory plugin import all hosts by default. It can also be filtered to only import certain hosts. The filter plugin uses the Foreman/...

Parse YAML with jq

less than 1 minute read

We want to parse YAML file with jq command like JSON file. Following snippet will use Python to convert YAML file to JSON format and pass to jq command.

How to visualize your Automation Mesh layout

2 minute read

Automation Mesh is a new feature that replace Isolated node. Instead of just directly connecting the Tower nodes to Isolated nodes via SSH, we can have diff...

How to create a new execution environment

2 minute read

Build a new EE image We would like to use a third part collection, in this case community.efficientip and community.crypto, in our playbooks. The collection ...